The Sun, the clouds and the rain
I can see a rainbow through my window pane
Some reds, some blues, these colors so bright
My life need these, not just black and white
So I thought of buying my life’s remote control,
This one was big, as it was time to change a critical role
You see, MY life was to be managed,
And till this time, it was pretty rough and there was some damage
If only I could buy such a remote control,
I could skip the unwanted sounds and sad scenes
I could slow down and stretch my dreams
If only I could buy such a remote control,
I could pause every happy moment and the days I cherish
I could rewind and go back to my trips, be it London or maybe Paris
If only I could buy such a remote control,
I could switch it on and off when I like
I wouldn’t have to worry about inflation or the daily price hike
If only I could buy such a remote control,
I could jump from the sky and change the channel to dive in ocean
But what if remote’s battery ran out, need to have some caution
Well that’s too much of fantasy I guess, let’s get back to normal
It shouldn’t be difficult to control; It’s my own life, there is nothing as such formal
It’s all in your mind, it’s all how you think
Life is always in your control, you just have to imagine and you will have it in a blink